Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Inflation by banks is illegal

If we assume that it is necessary to have a viable currency for an economy (and a civilisation) to work then fractional-reserve banking is a bad thing for civilisation. Whether or not the banks are guaranteed and permitted to increase the money supply frb still causes problems for the economy. If we take the case where banks are not guaranteed by the state and they are maliciously spending their customers' money then this is clearly a crime. The bank has promised to look after the money (that is their only function) and they have failed to do so. This is fraud. (They have defaulted on a promise.) If however the bank has a guarantee from the state and permission to increase the money supply then this too is problematic because the inflation caused takes wealth from other people without their consent. For the banks and not the government to cause inflation in this manner is a crime because the rest of the economy has not consented to the inflation... and the banks are not democratically accountable. The banks have no right to increase the money supply and cause inflation even if they have been given permission from the state. The state has no right to deprive the people of a viable currency in this manner. The state and the banks in combination have let the people down (failed in their obligations) if the banks are able to cause inflation. The state has failed in its proprietorial duty to protect the people and the economy (by enabling the banks to cause inflation). The banks have inflicted a crime on the people by inflating the currency via fractional reserve lending. Fractional-reserve banking is a crime whether or not it is guaranteed and permitted by the state... the law is objective not subjective and frb is a crime whether or not the state agrees. Frb if a crime even if there is deposit insurance. It is a crime for the banks to cause inflation (always). Only the state can execute inflation without breaking the law... it is a crime for any private firm to cause inflation. Inflation is a crime if it is not caused by the state. Only the state can legally produce inflation. Inflation is illegal unless the state does it. Only the state can legally produce inflation.

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