Monday, 31 October 2011

The taxpayer should not be exposed to fractional reserve banking

Why is fractional reserve banking guaranteed by the taxpayer? Why is taxpayer money being used to guarantee bank deposits? Why not let banks fail?

Fractional reserve banking hurts people

Banks are hurting us when they do not keep full reserves

Fractional reserve banking is always fraudulent

There is no reason to be fearful of a bank run they are an inevitable part of life

Fractional reserve banking is not possible if there are bank runs

There cannot be a bank run if there is deposit insurance

An intelligent government would not provide deposit insurance

The existence of deposit insurance is evidence of the ignorance of government.

The government is ignorant of economics... otherwise fractional reserve banking would be illegal

The existence of fractional reserve banking proves that the government is ignorant of economics.

Fractional reserve banking is like alchemy

Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than legalised counterfeiting.

Only real things are valuable not paper money

Sunday, 30 October 2011

If banks cannot print money they are not part of the state

If banks can’t fail they can print money.

Deposit insurance increases the money supply

Inflation is the only consequence of deposit insurance

Inflation is the only problem with banking

The only problem with banking is inflation. Or it is not inflationary and we can worry about the banking system later... Either the banking system has no problem within it or there is a problem of inflation. These are the only two options. Either the banking system is inflationary or it has no problem.

Deposit insurance is counterfeiting!

Change the banking system! Reform the banking system now! Or else! Why not reform the banking system so that banks can’t cause inflation? Full reserve banking works for me. Is fine.

No good government provides deposit insurance

The state is why the banks can’t fail

The banks can’t fail because they are the government

The banks are the government. There is no deposit insurance.

Deposit insurance is nothing more than socialism

Fractional reserve banking is socialist

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Deposit insurance is nothing more than a form of taxation

Bank deposit insurance causes inflation

If there are laws against counterfeiting then there should be no deposit insurance

If laws against counterfeiting exist then fiat currencies maintain value and deposit insurance is inflationary. Which is inconsistent because if banks can print money then everyone should be able to. And if everyone can print money then it will have no value. Fiat currencies need (at least) some people not to be able to print them. Those people should include the banks. If we are prevented from printing money then so too should banks be prevented. If there is a social contract... why not prevent banks from printing money?

Fractional reserve banking is no worse than printing money

It’s fine if banks can fail

Socialism causes fractional reserve banking. The problems with the banking system are caused by socialism. There is no problem but socialism. Socialism is the only problem. Banks aren’t allowed to fail if they have deposit insurance. We should have no more socialist bailouts...

Money is no more meaningful than a banking licence

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Banks are the government if they have deposit insurance

To criticise the banks for being the government (a positive truth) is less effective than to criticise the government for being banks. If a company is private we assume it can fail... and therefore that it is wanted. Then, it is not a contradiction that they do something wrong unless they have performed a crime. Can we phone the police if banks have inflated the currency? They are within the law. If the government has done something wrong it is understood that there is no law-enforcement agency to deal with it... the questions must be answered as they stand. If something that is legal is wrong then we have a legitimate complaint. To say that banks are government is not a crime as there are other public bodies. (The claim that) governments print money is not so easily dismissed... as with illegal invasions of foreign countries. Legality is not a defence for the government.

Definition: Counterfeiting is when banks have insufficient reserves

Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than counterfeiting. Not that there’s anything wrong with that...

All banking is full reserve banking

Fractional reserve banking is invalid. If there are not enough reserves for deposits to be paid out on demand the bank is insolvent... it is not performing some new style of banking.

The problem with banking is deposit insurance

Fractional reserve banking is bad because it causes inflation

The only problem with fractional reserve banking is the inflation.

Only the government should be allowed to print money

If banks can’t print money why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Fractional reserve banking is a terrible way to get new money into the system. If a firm cannot fail then its credit is money. Bank credit is money because they (banks) cannot fail. If banks could fail their credit would not be money.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Deposit insurance is not part of the free market

Deposit insurance should not be provided by the state

We should be able to provide our own deposit insurance. There is no reason the free market cannot be a provider of deposit insurance.

The government should default on the banking system

There is no reason not to take away the promised deposit insurance.

The banking sector is insolvent otherwise there would be no requirement for deposit insurance

Without the government the banks are insolvent. The government could easily pull the plug on the banks. Banks are bondholders.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Saturday, 22 October 2011

If banks could fail they would not be part of the state

No one should be forced to guarantee bank deposits

Banks should be allowed to fail. Banks should not be protected from insolvency by the state. Banks can’t fail if they can print money. Being able to print money means banks can’t fail. Banks are part of the state if they can’t fail. We should stop supporting the banks.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Fractional reserve banking makes land expensive

People are blind to the nature of banking

Trying to get people to understand fractional reserve banking is like the opposite of the Emperor’s new clothes. We are trying to get people to see something which is present... not an absence.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

If a bank has deposit insurance it should not be permitted to make loans

Deposit insurance is theft for the benefit of the banks. Deposit insurance causes inflation. There is a problem with not letting banks fail. Deposit insurance is not without consequences. Fractional reserve banking is a consequence of socialism.

If banks have deposit insurance they shouldn’t be allowed to make loans

This would be a separation of lending and deposit insurance. No one should be allowed to make loans if they have deposit insurance. If a bank has deposit insurance it should not be permitted to make loans.

If banks can’t fail they shouldn’t be allowed to make loans

Not allowing banks to fail doesn’t by necessity mean they can print money... deposit insurance could be conditional on no bank lending. If they have deposit insurance they shouldn’t be allowed to lend.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

If companies can’t fail they can print money

Fractional reserve banking steals wealth from the productive economy

Fractional reserve banking exploits our use of fiat money.

Fractional reserve banking is insufficient reserve banking

It should be illegal for banks to make loans if they have deposit insurance. As usual the problem (of banking) is with the state. Fractional reserve banking is coercive banking. Prices are high because banks can’t fail. Banks need to be able to fail (in a fiat economy) otherwise inflation results.

Fractional reserve banking causes poverty

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Fractional reserve banking is inherently violent

Fractional reserve banking relies upon deposit insurance which is provided by the state. Fractional reserve banking is not possible without violence.

The problem with socialism is that banks print money

Governments are aggressive

The banks are not worse than the state

What’s wrong with printing money? Unfortunately for my position banks do not violate the non-aggression principle.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

We need to get rid of fractional reserve deposit insurance

Fractional reserve banking is nothing worse than counterfeiting

To have deposit insurance and make loans is counterfeiting

If counterfeiting is illegal why not this form of fractional banking? Why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Either everyone should have it or no one should have it. If I can fail then why not the banks? A lack of sufficient reserves is not a reason for them to be protected.

Fractional reserve banking demonstrates the worthlessness of fiat currencies

Most currencies are fractional reserve currencies... not full reserve currencies. The banks are subsidised by the government. Banks are subsidised because they are a vital part of the infrastructure.

Fractional reserve banking is not threatened by Democracy

The existence of fractional reserve banking demonstrates that people don’t care about their country. If people cared about their country there would be no fractional reserve banking.

No legitimate party wants to keep fractional reserve banking

A legitimate political party will be an advocate of sound money and banking reform.

Insolvent banking contradicts the social contract...

Insolvent banking contradicts the social contract because it is directly and unambiguously harmful to the people.

Fractional reserve banking is exploitation of the people

The banks own the currency... it is not natural like land

Rhetoric cannot change banking. It is consistent and there are no contradictions.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The government keeps giving money to the banks

It should be illegal for the government to guarantee bank deposits. Deposit insurance should be illegal.

With fptp the dissenting voter is ignored because only populist votes count

Fractional reserve banking by the government will never be illegal... unless it is unpopular

It is not possible to make a law against the government otherwise fractional reserve banking could (might) be illegal. Fractional reserve banking by the government will never be illegal... unless it is democratically impossible. They can’t stop reality.

Rich banks are full reserve banks

Definition: Fractional reserve banking means banks can’t fail

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Deposit insurance is theft

Why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Everyone should have deposit insurance.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Fractional reserve banking is not sustainable

A banking collapse is inevitable. Deposit insurance destroys savings only if fiat currencies are valuable.

The government doesn’t think bank credit is money

The government doesn’t value fiat currencies. It can’t understand why people keep exchanging their assets and labour for paper.

The value of bank credit comes from the government

The government cannot make fiat valuable

Friday, 7 October 2011