Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The banking system is a monopoly

There aren’t separate banks only one big bank, as a result of the existence of deposit insurance.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Elections do not alter ethics

If some people don't want to join in with communism they 'should' be (allowed to be) left alone. It is a crime to coerce individuals even if the majority want it.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Cash is no more valuable than bank credit

If a bank run is impossible then cash is not better than bank credit, which means it's not a good idea to value cash.

Fair votes produces a more libertarian government

Our votes count for the most if we can directly reject government which we don't like. If the outcome is not proportional we must promote a party which we might not otherwise choose, so the most libertarian government will be chosen with proportional outcomes, if we are not allowed to vote negatively.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Equality is not important in economics

Communism requires that everyone be economically equal.

Fptp does not make it easy to reject bad candidates

The best type of voting system makes it very easy to reject bad candidates.

Banks are part of the state

The existence of deposit insurance means that banks are not separate from the state.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Government is theft

Government is nothing more than an excuse to steal money.

Money is whatever can be used to pay taxes

Money is something which can be used to pay taxes, such as cash or bank credit. Anything which is refused (by the government) is not money.

Friday, 17 June 2011

We don’t need money

It is possible for a civilisation to survive without a predominant form of money.

People becoming indifferent to cash is not the only cause of inflation

The banking institutions would not be able to cause inflation if not for the government. Without the government the banks would not be able to alter the price of cash.

The explanation for inflation is not that people are slowly becoming indifferent to cash, rather (it is) that the money supply (of cash and state credit) is being increased by the banks.

It’s more important to know about monetary inflation than to be told about prices

To measure price inflation is to measure the result of monetary policy, rather than the cause. It’s more important to know how much the money supply is altering than to know how much prices are altering, which we already have a good idea about.

It’s boring to have a government

There is nothing shocking about the left, they are conventional in their attitudes.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

It’s much easier to get rid of socialists if the voting system is fair

To get rid of socialists we need to be able to choose a liberal (libertarian) candidate from those offered. Unless we can make this choice without our vote being ignored (as it would be with an unfair system) then we are inclined towards voting for the established (socialist) parties, to make our vote count. If voting for libertarians doesn’t count (fptp) then we are left with (voting for) socialists. Unfair voting systems make it difficult (impossible) to get rid of socialists.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Fptp elections are not fair elections

No party has a mandate to govern unless it has been elected by fair elections. Only pr elections are valid. There is no mandate to govern unless a party has been elected fairly.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Moral government is impossible

It’s not possible to have moral government. By definition, government requires at least partial ownership of individuals, which is not moral.

Fptp protects the mainstream parties from libertarian voters

We can assume that if there is a centre-right majority (among the electorate) Fptp does not prevent it from gaining power. So then if the mainstream centre-right party allows freedom (is libertarian) then there is no problem with Fptp voting. However, if the centre-right party is not libertarian then Fptp presents a problem since an authoritarian party will be returned in either case, and we cannot differentiate (at the ballot box) which type of right-wing party we would like. Fair votes would enable voters to choose which type of right-wing party they would prefer.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

If a country has fair votes then it is a democracy

A country is not a democracy if it does not have fair votes.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Socialism is impossible without violence

Socialism is impossible without violence. By definition, socialism requires that people are compelled to act against their wishes.

Democracy is vital to individual safety

Democracy is how we keep out bad legislators. Without democracy there is nothing to protect individual rights.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

It is wrong that people are forced to pay back their debts

The promise made by a debtor should be ignored, or forgiven because the person must have been in desperate circumstances to have taken out the debt to begin with. No one should be forced to pay back their debts, their debts ‘should’ be forgiven.

Democracy is no justification for government

For it to mean anything at all, the concept of Democracy must mean that we are compelled and obligated to ‘obey’ the instructions of an elected body. If the individual has the right to refuse then the ballot is nothing more than an informal opinion poll.

It is not impossible for many people to share the same bad idea.

If it is possible for the crowd to be wrong then the concept of Democracy is false.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Fair votes would remove the advantage given to the main parties

With pr there is rarely an instance of a single party gaining an outright majority, they must form a coalition in most cases, but with fptp it is possible (likely) that a single party will have overall control. Power (with fptp) is concentrated among the two main parties. Fair votes would level the playing field by removing this advantage, so pr removes this unfair advantage.

There would be no advantage for the main parties under pr.

The political left do not like freedom

The political left is afraid of freedom, they are not comfortable with the concept of people being free to do as they please. The left do not like freedom. Anyone that does not like freedom is a leftist.

The value of a note is not altered by how often it has been spent

The Velocity Theory of Inflation can be said to be (is) a flawed theory (similar to the Marxian labour theory of value) which gives a misplaced explanation for the phenomenon of inflation. The theory, or assumption, is that the more (often) money is spent within the economy, the less its value will be and this will result in inflation. It is as though, the more people to have been in possession of the money on its course through the economy, the less its value will be. This is clearly absurd, we might ask ourselves how the price of a note would compare to that of a similar note which has been used multiple times. Of course the price of each note is the same, according to its face value, we take no account of its wear-and-tear the value is determined only by its denomination.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Fptp gives you more socialism than people voted for

With pr the outcome is socialism only if most people want it to be so, with fptp it is socialism whether people want it or not. With pr there is a chance of small government, not with fptp.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Only someone who is owned must pay taxes

Authoritarianism is the same as (implies and requires) ownership...

If someone has the right to instruct another person to do as they say, then the subject of this instruction is owned (axiomatically) by the issuer of it. If we are not owned then we are free to refuse all instructions and offers. Only someone who is owned must be loyal, and must always obey another person.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

People like money because it seems tangible and real... there is a fetish for cash

For (paper) money to retain its integrity requires that banks are prevented from lending. The value of having fiat money depends on other people not having it, if everyone can get a loan and a house all that happens is that prices inflate, no extra wealth is created.

Only the government should be able to cause inflation

If a bank has deposit insurance then it is a crime for it to lend out deposits. Doing so will cause inflation which is a form of theft.

Only banks without deposit insurance should be able to lend out deposits.

Land is expensive because of the banking system

Inflationary banking enables people to get a mortgage (to purchase land) when otherwise they would not be able to do so, provided they are willing to ‘owe’ money to the banks. This devalues all other forms of money because it becomes subsequently more difficult for those who do not take out a mortgage to purchase land, they must pay a higher price. So then, land is expensive mostly because of the banking system.

Fractional reserve banking is not the best system of banking

There is no good reason to have fractional reserve banking. There is nothing provided by inflationary banks which could not, more efficiently, be provided by other means.

There is no good reason to use Fptp to determine the outcome of elections

Fptp winner-takes-all is an unfair electoral system because it makes no allowance to ensure proportional outcomes.