Political power is shared evenly under proportional representation. Proportional representation is shared representation.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Banks supported by deposit insurance should either be reformed or allowed to fail
The government is printing money when it makes a loan.
First past the post governments are illegitimate
Governments elected under proportional representation have more legitimacy than those elected under first past the post.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Fractional reserve banking is not a justification for deposit insurance
We need to stop fractional reserve banking before we can get rid of deposit insurance. Fractional reserve banking is the reason banks can’t fail.
Fractional reserve banking destroys the value of cash
Cash might not be such a terrible investment if not for fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking makes cash a terrible investment.
Cash would hold value if we had full reserve banking.
Fractional reserve banking enables government and borrowers to steal from savers through inflation.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Deposit insurance is communism
If banks can’t fail they cannot be considered to be part of the free market... they are communist.
Democracies are legitimate if they are proportional
To be considered legitimate democracies must be proportional... and proportionality is a requirement for democracies to be considered legitimate.
If democracies are not proportional then they are not legitimate. First past the post democracies are not legitimate.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
The parliament is redundant with first past the post which makes it similar to a democratic monarchy
There is little point having a parliament if members must be (are willing to be) loyal to their parties.
But with fptp... at least the party is able to hold their leader to account to some extent.
A parliament which is elected directly using pr has more ability to reject bad laws because members have no loyalty to the leader. Voting against the legislation is not a matter of rebellion. Under fptp bad laws get passed because loyalists vote through legislation without any scrutiny.
If it’s better for voters not to have a choice then it is better not to have democracy. First past the post is anti-democratic.
Proportional Representation would remove yet more power from the government
First past the post is good for people who like dysfunctional and adversarial politics. It creates confusion (a false sense of support for the leading parties) and keeps reality and the truth from being revealed.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Tactical voting ceases to be a consideration for voters under proportional representation
Proportional representation would remove the need for tactical voting...
Parties with a higher proportion of the popular vote than is held in parliament (by their politicians) should have their voting power enhanced to a proportional level.
There is no reason for all members of parliament to have equal voting power given that they have not been elected via proportional representation.
Central banks enable fractional reserve banking
Without the central bank fractional reserve banking would be impossible for commercial banks.
Central banks are unnecessary and do not need to be part of the public sector.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Banks with deposit insurance can print money
Commercial bank credit is not real money because banks don’t have deposit insurance. Central bank credit is not real money either.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
The big political parties endorse first past the post for no other reason than selfishness
First past the post is communism because it lets in socialist parties.
There would be no gross domestic product if charities provided everything
People would not trade if everything is provided for free by charities... so gross domestic product (gdp) is a measurement of the extent to which people cannot get what they want through charitable means.
Gdp measures the extent to which charities do not provide what people need.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Socialism is impossible under governance by pr
Parties of the left do well only because of first past the post.
Proportional Representation would be terrible because we would not know whom to vote for
Sarcasm: Proportional Representation would be chaos and anarchy.
Proportional Representation would be used by an intelligent government
An intelligent government would not use first past the post...
The use of first past the post as a voting system is evidence of the stupidity of the government because it doesn’t work. First past the post doesn’t work and yet the government continues to use it which is evidence of their stupidity.
First past the post does not reflect the intentions of the electorate.
Friday, 16 December 2011
There is never anyone good to vote for because of first past the post
The main two positions will always be dominated by parties which pander to the dogma prevalent at the time. Bigots will not be (cannot be) excluded from holding power. The reason we cannot exclude bigots is first past the post.
Only a bigot of one form or another would defend fptp against proportional representation.
The outcomes of (unproportional) first past the post elections are not legitimate because they are not proportional. The only legitimate electoral systems are those which give proportional outcomes.
There can be no representation (and therefore no fair taxes) without proportionality and so (unproportional and unfair) first past the post is not legitimate. Any government (taxation) derived by first past the post is not legitimate because it is not representative.
There can be no (legitimate) taxation without proportionality in the democratic outcome.
If we think government wants small government then first past the post is good
First past the post gives more power to the government. It is good to have small government so unless (if it is not true that) government is more likely to choose small government (than the electorate) then pr is better.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Fractional reserve banking is unfair but not a crime
Fractional reserve banking is not a crime but it is unfair...
It is not consistent for banks to be able to inflate the money supply if counterfeiting is illegal
If counterfeiting cash banknotes is a crime then so too is (the combination of) deposit insurance and fractional reserve banking.
Public banks should not practice fractional reserve banking because this causes inflation and creates debt
If inflation is seen as a desirable event then there are other more efficient ways to cause inflation such as printing money into the economy.
Public practice of fractional reserve banking creates more debt which is not desirable.
Another factor to consider is that the government is financially motivated to cause inflation and debt with the present system. There is a profit motive when the motive of the government should be nothing other than the public interest.
Deposit insurance is a problem... we are not free yet
We are not free if banks have deposit insurance. If banks have deposit insurance than the government is a bank (for profit) which provides other services... If the government is not for profit then deposit insurance would not exist.
Deposit insurance is how the government makes money.
There is no reason to treat banks differently from other businesses
Many business might be considered to be a utility (such as supermarkets or appliance manufacturers) but that is not a reason to give them extra protections...
Member banks should not have been given deposit insurance by the central bank. Such a practice should be against the constitution.
According to the constitution the central bank should not be allowed to give deposit insurance to the member banks.
Fractional reserve banking is always possible even in a free market if the bank has access to the safe
It is only because of deposit insurance that fractional reserve banking is so prevalent. There is no incentive to choose a full reserve bank (the incentive has been removed) since a crash will be averted. Deposit insurance turns bank credit into money because it prevents a crash.
Bank credit is money because of deposit insurance. Deposit insurance is the reason banks can’t crash and bank credit is money.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
There is no need for proportional representation
...but first past the post makes it easy for politicians to ignore voters.
First past the post seems more benign than it is because of its name
First past the post is an empty phrase which communicates nothing. We can assume that the winner of an election will be the person who comes first... the issue with fptp and the difference between that method and others is that the winner (the first) takes all. It could be called first takes all.
First past the post sounds innocent of any bias or iniquity because there is no objection to the first person winning as no one would want the second or third to win. The problem is that the winner takes everything. This name removes any criticism and negative connotations from its description making it (falsely) seem benign.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Proportional Representation devolves power from the leader of the government to the people
Proportional Representation ensures freedom because there is more choice... unless people do not want to be free for reasons of inequality.
All government is bad but pr would be less bad than first-past-the-post. First-past-the-post protects rich people who have land...
It’s pointless having individual members of parliament if they are elected under fptp
The only reason government is generally able to establish a majority (and is not always forced into a coalition) is the fptp voting system.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Fractional reserve banking can never be a free market phenomenon...
...and for that reason there is no such thing as fractional reserve banking... the deposits are always fully backed with government credit.
At least the banks are democratically accountable.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Deposit insurance destroys the value of money
Inflation is caused by nothing other than deposit insurance... and printing money. Deposit insurance turns deposits into real money.
State deposit insurance makes it easy to get money
State deposit insurance is always inflationary...
In a taxed economy being protected from insolvency means that your credit will always have value... you can print money.
Poor people cannot afford a place to live because of deposit insurance
Deposit insurance hurts poor people because it means they cannot afford anywhere to live. The housing crisis is caused by deposit insurance.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Proportional Representation gives power to individual members of parliament not the parties
Removing first past the post would collapse the party system like removing deposit insurance would collapse the banking system.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
First past the post is simply the illusion of democracy at the constituency level
First past the post is a presidential rather than parliamentary system.
First past the post is analogous to electing a city mayor for prime minister. We do not elect a parliament (as we would with proportional representation) just a prime minister...
The eventual prime minister is not chosen by the MPs but instead the parties and the electorate.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
The government is not good otherwise it would introduce proportional representation
Only a good government would (a bad government would not) introduce proportional representation. The introduction of proportional representation would be evidence of the government being good.
Proportional Representation makes it more easy to defend yourself against the state
First Past The Post makes it more difficult to defend yourself against the state.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Free market banking is not possible until the bank deposits are monetised
The discrepancy between narrow and broad money must be resolved before the removal of deposit insurance.
The only way to get rid of deposit insurance and avoid a crash is monetisation. Bank credit must be monetised prior to the removal of deposit insurance otherwise there will be a crash of the banking system.
Friday, 25 November 2011
It’s not consistent for banks to have private profits if their liabilities are guaranteed by the taxpayer
The banks could not survive as they are now without the state.
Definition: Fractional reserve banking requires the customer to be ignorant of the arrangement
If the customer doesn’t mind the risk of having the money loaned out - and is aware of it - this is not fractional reserve banking which requires the customer to be ignorant of the arrangement.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
The word ‘proportional’ in the term proportional representation is redundant
Only proportional democracies are representative (all representative democracies are proportional) so the word ‘proportional’ in the term proportional representation is redundant...
To use the term proportional representation implies that the existing system is also representative when (if it is not proportional) it is not.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Fractional reserve banking is a confidence trick
Fractional reserve banking is an insidious and unnoticed type of theft.
Deposit insurance destroys the value of money if fractional reserve banking is tolerated
Because of the legality of fractional reserve banking... deposit insurance destroys the value of money.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Fractional reserve banking causes poverty and inequality
Fractional reserve banking transfers wealth from the poor to the rich.
Monday, 21 November 2011
None other than... the central bank guarantees the deposits of commercial banks
It is not a government guarantee.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Friday, 18 November 2011
Deposit insurance should not be given to banks with fractional reserves
Banks which practice fractional reserve banking (fractional reserve banks) should not be given deposit insurance.
Fractional reserve banking is an attempt by the government to perform perpetual motion
Fractional reserve banking is impossible without deposit insurance.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Work would be more rewarding without fractional reserve banking
The value of labour is destroyed because of fractional reserve banking.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Sunday, 13 November 2011
The government are in denial over the nature of banking and money
The government do not realise that guaranteed bank credit is money. If they did they would seek to prevent further inflation of the money supply unless banks are special.
If banks are not special they should not have the privilege of being able inflate the money supply.
The government should protect its people from unsound banking
The government should have protected its people from unsound banking.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Friday, 11 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
It’s not fair that only banks are allowed to print money
Given that for most people counterfeiting is illegal... it’s remarkable and amazing that there are no laws preventing banks from printing money.
Inflation demonstrates that... cash has no more value than being acceptable to the government
Unless the government is willing to monetise the difference (between cash and credit) it is best not to give banks deposit insurance.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Democracies love the banks otherwise there would be no deposit insurance
Without deposit insurance banks would be subject to the rigours of the market.
Deposit insurance enables fractional reserve banking
Fractional reserve banking would be reputationally costly (difficult to practice) if not for deposit insurance.
There is no disincentive against fractional reserve banking if there is deposit insurance
Without deposit insurance there would be a reputational incentive to practice sound banking.
The danger of deposit insurance is that... there is nothing wrong with banks making loans
Deposit insurance removes the disincentive against fractional reserve banking.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Fractional reserve banking enables banks and borrowers to print money out of thin air
Bank credit is money.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
First-past-the-post is helpful to the government
Proportional Representation leads to small government.
Government is not chosen... If government is wanted fptp would not always lead to the emergence of two main parties... it is because (of the fact) that it is unwanted that people feel they must select one of the established parties.
Proportional Representation does not result in big government.
No system of electing governments is worse than fptp. Indeed, it has been said that first-past-the-post is the best form of democracy except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
If some democracy is good then more must be better.
Fptp is not democratic enough.
PR is more democratic.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Friday, 4 November 2011
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Monday, 31 October 2011
The taxpayer should not be exposed to fractional reserve banking
Why is fractional reserve banking guaranteed by the taxpayer? Why is taxpayer money being used to guarantee bank deposits? Why not let banks fail?
An intelligent government would not provide deposit insurance
The existence of deposit insurance is evidence of the ignorance of government.
The government is ignorant of economics... otherwise fractional reserve banking would be illegal
The existence of fractional reserve banking proves that the government is ignorant of economics.
Fractional reserve banking is like alchemy
Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than legalised counterfeiting.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
If banks cannot print money they are not part of the state
If banks can’t fail they can print money.
Inflation is the only problem with banking
The only problem with banking is inflation. Or it is not inflationary and we can worry about the banking system later...
Either the banking system has no problem within it or there is a problem of inflation. These are the only two options.
Either the banking system is inflationary or it has no problem.
Deposit insurance is counterfeiting!
Change the banking system! Reform the banking system now! Or else! Why not reform the banking system so that banks can’t cause inflation?
Full reserve banking works for me. Is fine.
The banks can’t fail because they are the government
The banks are the government. There is no deposit insurance.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
My claim is nothing more than: The bank guarantee is trustworthy
Unfortunately banks print money in the present circumstances. Guaranteed bank deposits are a cash equivalent... a proxy for cash.
The government is not magic it does not create economic growth. Inflation comes from printing money.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
If there are laws against counterfeiting then there should be no deposit insurance
If laws against counterfeiting exist then fiat currencies maintain value and deposit insurance is inflationary. Which is inconsistent because if banks can print money then everyone should be able to. And if everyone can print money then it will have no value.
Fiat currencies need (at least) some people not to be able to print them. Those people should include the banks. If we are prevented from printing money then so too should banks be prevented. If there is a social contract... why not prevent banks from printing money?
It’s fine if banks can fail
Socialism causes fractional reserve banking. The problems with the banking system are caused by socialism. There is no problem but socialism. Socialism is the only problem.
Banks aren’t allowed to fail if they have deposit insurance. We should have no more socialist bailouts...
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Banks are the government if they have deposit insurance
To criticise the banks for being the government (a positive truth) is less effective than to criticise the government for being banks.
If a company is private we assume it can fail... and therefore that it is wanted. Then, it is not a contradiction that they do something wrong unless they have performed a crime. Can we phone the police if banks have inflated the currency? They are within the law.
If the government has done something wrong it is understood that there is no law-enforcement agency to deal with it... the questions must be answered as they stand. If something that is legal is wrong then we have a legitimate complaint. To say that banks are government is not a crime as there are other public bodies. (The claim that) governments print money is not so easily dismissed... as with illegal invasions of foreign countries.
Legality is not a defence for the government.
Definition: Counterfeiting is when banks have insufficient reserves
Fractional reserve banking is nothing more than counterfeiting. Not that there’s anything wrong with that...
All banking is full reserve banking
Fractional reserve banking is invalid.
If there are not enough reserves for deposits to be paid out on demand the bank is insolvent... it is not performing some new style of banking.
Fractional reserve banking is bad because it causes inflation
The only problem with fractional reserve banking is the inflation.
Only the government should be allowed to print money
If banks can’t print money why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Fractional reserve banking is a terrible way to get new money into the system.
If a firm cannot fail then its credit is money. Bank credit is money because they (banks) cannot fail.
If banks could fail their credit would not be money.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Deposit insurance should not be provided by the state
We should be able to provide our own deposit insurance.
There is no reason the free market cannot be a provider of deposit insurance.
The government should default on the banking system
There is no reason not to take away the promised deposit insurance.
The banking sector is insolvent otherwise there would be no requirement for deposit insurance
Without the government the banks are insolvent. The government could easily pull the plug on the banks.
Banks are bondholders.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Saturday, 22 October 2011
No one should be forced to guarantee bank deposits
Banks should be allowed to fail. Banks should not be protected from insolvency by the state.
Banks can’t fail if they can print money. Being able to print money means banks can’t fail.
Banks are part of the state if they can’t fail.
We should stop supporting the banks.
Friday, 21 October 2011
People are blind to the nature of banking
Trying to get people to understand fractional reserve banking is like the opposite of the Emperor’s new clothes. We are trying to get people to see something which is present... not an absence.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Without a state there cannot be fractional reserve banking
Banks exploit deposit insurance by making loans. Banks with deposit insurance shouldn’t make loans.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
If a bank has deposit insurance it should not be permitted to make loans
Deposit insurance is theft for the benefit of the banks. Deposit insurance causes inflation.
There is a problem with not letting banks fail. Deposit insurance is not without consequences. Fractional reserve banking is a consequence of socialism.
If banks have deposit insurance they shouldn’t be allowed to make loans
This would be a separation of lending and deposit insurance. No one should be allowed to make loans if they have deposit insurance.
If a bank has deposit insurance it should not be permitted to make loans.
If banks can’t fail they shouldn’t be allowed to make loans
Not allowing banks to fail doesn’t by necessity mean they can print money... deposit insurance could be conditional on no bank lending.
If they have deposit insurance they shouldn’t be allowed to lend.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Fractional reserve banking steals wealth from the productive economy
Fractional reserve banking exploits our use of fiat money.
Fractional reserve banking is insufficient reserve banking
It should be illegal for banks to make loans if they have deposit insurance. As usual the problem (of banking) is with the state.
Fractional reserve banking is coercive banking. Prices are high because banks can’t fail.
Banks need to be able to fail (in a fiat economy) otherwise inflation results.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Friday, 14 October 2011
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Fractional reserve banking is inherently violent
Fractional reserve banking relies upon deposit insurance which is provided by the state.
Fractional reserve banking is not possible without violence.
The banks are not worse than the state
What’s wrong with printing money?
Unfortunately for my position banks do not violate the non-aggression principle.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
To have deposit insurance and make loans is counterfeiting
If counterfeiting is illegal why not this form of fractional banking?
Why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Either everyone should have it or no one should have it.
If I can fail then why not the banks? A lack of sufficient reserves is not a reason for them to be protected.
Fractional reserve banking demonstrates the worthlessness of fiat currencies
Most currencies are fractional reserve currencies... not full reserve currencies.
The banks are subsidised by the government. Banks are subsidised because they are a vital part of the infrastructure.
Fractional reserve banking is not threatened by Democracy
The existence of fractional reserve banking demonstrates that people don’t care about their country.
If people cared about their country there would be no fractional reserve banking.
No legitimate party wants to keep fractional reserve banking
A legitimate political party will be an advocate of sound money and banking reform.
Insolvent banking contradicts the social contract...
Insolvent banking contradicts the social contract because it is directly and unambiguously harmful to the people.
The banks own the currency... it is not natural like land
Rhetoric cannot change banking. It is consistent and there are no contradictions.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
The government keeps giving money to the banks
It should be illegal for the government to guarantee bank deposits. Deposit insurance should be illegal.
Fractional reserve banking by the government will never be illegal... unless it is unpopular
It is not possible to make a law against the government otherwise fractional reserve banking could (might) be illegal.
Fractional reserve banking by the government will never be illegal... unless it is democratically impossible.
They can’t stop reality.
Monday, 10 October 2011
The government do not mind... they are unconcerned... that banks print money
There are no votes in monetary reform.
Reminder: People trust the government... to secure their ‘bank’ deposits
They don’t realise (or aren’t concerned that) banks and government are one and the same.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Deposit insurance is theft
Why not give deposit insurance to everyone? Everyone should have deposit insurance.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Fractional reserve banking is not sustainable
A banking collapse is inevitable.
Deposit insurance destroys savings only if fiat currencies are valuable.
The government doesn’t think bank credit is money
The government doesn’t value fiat currencies. It can’t understand why people keep exchanging their assets and labour for paper.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Proportional Representation is direct democracy
Proportional Representation is direct democracy... the opposite of representative democracy
Proportional Representation is like perpetual referendums
The government doesn’t like proportional representation for the same reason that it dislikes referendums. It doesn’t like the people having a say.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Money is not scarce if banks can print it
The presence of deposit insurance contradicts the required scarcity of money.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Fractional reserve banking is theft by inflation...
Fractional reserve banking is theft by inflation participated in by the banks, the government and the borrower.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Banks can print money if bank runs are not possible
Bank runs are perhaps regrettable, but they are necessary to prevent banks from being able to print money.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Friday, 30 September 2011
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Monday, 26 September 2011
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Friday, 23 September 2011
The government prints money when loans are made
It is the government not the banks which issue money when loans are made. The government replaces bank credit with government-guaranteed credit, which enables the banks to release the cash into the economy.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
There is no form of government better than pr
Proportional representation is the best form of government.
It is impossible for bank loans to cause inflation if they are not printing money
It is not possible to cause inflation without printing money.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Friday, 9 September 2011
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Friday, 2 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
A balance sheet will not balance if the equity is not adjusted to reflect profit and loss
From Wikipedia (Balance sheet) 1st September 2011 ‘Another way to look at the same equation is that assets equals liabilities plus owner's equity. Looking at the equation in this way shows how assets were financed: either by borrowing money (liability) or by using the owner's money (owner's equity). Balance sheets are usually presented with assets in one section and liabilities and net worth in the other section with the two sections "balancing."’
The balance sheet will balance, assuming there has been some business activity which has resulted in either a profit or a loss, only if the ownership equity is adjusted accordingly. If the equity is left static then a profit to the company (an increase in assets which is not offset by an equivalent increase in liabilities) will result in a violation of the accounting equation. If the accounting equation is not to be violated then the equity must be adjusted accordingly... upwards in the case of a profit, so that it will no longer still reflect the original injection of investment.
The balance sheet will balance, assuming there has been some business activity which has resulted in either a profit or a loss, only if the ownership equity is adjusted accordingly. If the equity is left static then a profit to the company (an increase in assets which is not offset by an equivalent increase in liabilities) will result in a violation of the accounting equation. If the accounting equation is not to be violated then the equity must be adjusted accordingly... upwards in the case of a profit, so that it will no longer still reflect the original injection of investment.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Monday, 22 August 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Friday, 19 August 2011
Proportional Representation makes Parliament meaningful
Proportional Representation is freedom because it enables politicians to join whatever party they like. FPTP forces politicians to join the main parties which means that Parliament becomes redundant, and we have a presidential system. PR gets rid of (reduces) the government because MPs are able to oppose the Prime Minister without fear of losing their jobs, they are not part of the main party.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Monday, 15 August 2011
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Monday, 8 August 2011
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Friday, 5 August 2011
Communism is not left wing
In languages which flow from left to right, being of the left will be seen as a good thing, the default case, leading up to something oppositional and right wing. To be left-wing is to be good. However, politically coercion is not good and so we are best served by removing the descriptor of ‘left’ from coercionist and collectivist ideologies.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Without fiat money banks would not exist
If the prevailing money is useless, depositors do not find out about the lending behaviour of their bank because their property is whole, as far as they are concerned. If money had real functional value, it would be impossible for the depositor to retain use of a functional item which has been loaned out, and banking in its current form would not exist.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Monday, 1 August 2011
An intelligent government would make frac res banking illegal
It’s curious that the government allows frac res banking since it depreciates the value of the currency, for private profit. It doesn’t make sense for the government to allow frac res banking, unless it is stupid.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
There is no reason to allow banks to increase the supply of state credit
To describe a lending institution as a bank is a deception, if a bank spends deposits it is not a bank.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
There is no reason to allow insured banks to make loans
It doesn’t make sense to allow frac res banking, particularly as a consequence of fiat currencies and deposit insurance.
Minority rule would prevent the instability of pr
It is possible to organise a voting system with the stability of fptp but also with the advantages of proportional representation, being a lack of (the requirement for) tactical voting.
Once the election has occurred each party (represented by their leader) elects which of the emerging coalitions to support, in accordance with their share of the popular vote. It doesn’t matter, at this stage, which electoral system has been chosen provided we are able to know the popular totals. The winning coalition will gain power, but with all voting and legislative power transferred to the majority (largest) party within the coalition. This party can then govern for the full term with or without the loyalty of their coalition partners. Such a system would mean that voters can choose which, from the left and right flanks of politics, particular party they support and vote for them in the knowledge that they will still be preventing a more feared party succeed, there is no need for tactical voting of this sort. For this reason it is much easier for smaller parties to eventually usurp the more dominant, established groups. The winning coalition cannot resign unless the controlling party agrees.
Once the election has occurred each party (represented by their leader) elects which of the emerging coalitions to support, in accordance with their share of the popular vote. It doesn’t matter, at this stage, which electoral system has been chosen provided we are able to know the popular totals. The winning coalition will gain power, but with all voting and legislative power transferred to the majority (largest) party within the coalition. This party can then govern for the full term with or without the loyalty of their coalition partners. Such a system would mean that voters can choose which, from the left and right flanks of politics, particular party they support and vote for them in the knowledge that they will still be preventing a more feared party succeed, there is no need for tactical voting of this sort. For this reason it is much easier for smaller parties to eventually usurp the more dominant, established groups. The winning coalition cannot resign unless the controlling party agrees.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Banks have no right to inflate the currency
No one should have a banking license. We have no right to inflate the money supply. Since we have no choice but to use the established currency, only the state should be able to cause inflation.
The present voting system is unfair
The present system of voting doesn’t enable people to vote for whomever they want. Only having one winner per seat means most votes will be wasted if they are not cast for one of the leading candidates.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
The problem with fptp is that both parties are useless
If one of the main parties is acceptable then there is nothing wrong with fptp.
FPTP is tedious and boring
The present voting system of fptp is not liberal, there is no democratic pressure on the main parties to change. A fair system is less boring.
Bigger constituencies would improve the electoral process
Under pr there would be a democratic mandate to do nothing.
A lack of democracy is socialism
If we don’t change the system then people can only vote for one of the main parties. Changing the system would give people more freedom.
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
No voting system is democratic unless it is proportional
Democracy requires proportionality, in the same way that a monarchy is not democratic, disproportionate votes are not democratic either. A system of voting can be said to be democratic only if it is proportional.
Banks are allowed to print money
To have deposit insurance is the same as being allowed to print money.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Frac res banking is not ever free market
A free market would be better than the present system of frac res banking.
If we had fracrb that would enable banks to print money
If we have fracrb then (inevitably) banks can print money. If banks can’t print money then we don’t have fracrb, we (might) have fullrb.
The voting system might be improved
Anarchy is better than democracy.
It is a contradiction for anyone in government (an authoritarian) to claim that the voting system (used in the past) is wrong. If such an authoritarian is liberally minded then the voting system has not been an impediment to liberalism, and there is no need to change, the people have been wise in spite of the voting system. And there is no reason to think the people will not continue to be sufficiently wise into the future. If the authoritarian is socialist then they have already got what they want under the fptp (socialist) system, so there is no need to change unless pr leads to more socialism, fptp is already a good system for them. A liberal (authoritarian) would perhaps want to move to pr... but the fact of their already being in power suggests that the voting system is not a problem, only that it might be improved, made even better.
It is a contradiction for anyone in government (an authoritarian) to claim that the voting system (used in the past) is wrong. If such an authoritarian is liberally minded then the voting system has not been an impediment to liberalism, and there is no need to change, the people have been wise in spite of the voting system. And there is no reason to think the people will not continue to be sufficiently wise into the future. If the authoritarian is socialist then they have already got what they want under the fptp (socialist) system, so there is no need to change unless pr leads to more socialism, fptp is already a good system for them. A liberal (authoritarian) would perhaps want to move to pr... but the fact of their already being in power suggests that the voting system is not a problem, only that it might be improved, made even better.
The state is nothing more than the voting system
The state is the voting system, the state is nothing more than the voting system.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Fptp is not anarchy
Democracy is designed to protect us from the state, more democracy more protection.
Fptp does not provide sufficient choice and is unfair.
Fptp does not provide sufficient choice and is unfair.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Fair voting introduces competition to each side
Under pr there would no need to get frustrated with your party, you would simply be able to vote for someone else. Majoritarian voting is like having a dictatorship on either side. As a centre-right (or centre-left) voter, we must tolerate the Republicans (or the Democrats) even if we dislike them. There is no easy (democratic) means to influence our party of choice, other than to complain.
It is possible to still vote centre-right (or centre-left) and have our vote matter, under pr.
With fptp there is no competition on either side.
It is possible to still vote centre-right (or centre-left) and have our vote matter, under pr.
With fptp there is no competition on either side.
Majoritarian voting gives all the power to the party leaders
A fair system of voting is better for MPs (and not their leader) as they would have more influence, in this system.
Under fptp MPs have no influence, it is like winning the lottery for the party (party leader) which gets elected... they can do almost whatever they want. Having many MPs (under pr) means that any legislation has to meet the approval of a majority in the chamber. The present system is presidential. With pr MPs would be in a better position to constrain parliament, under fptp they cannot reject bad laws because they are (have been) given no power.
Under fptp MPs have no influence, it is like winning the lottery for the party (party leader) which gets elected... they can do almost whatever they want. Having many MPs (under pr) means that any legislation has to meet the approval of a majority in the chamber. The present system is presidential. With pr MPs would be in a better position to constrain parliament, under fptp they cannot reject bad laws because they are (have been) given no power.
The manner in which the votes are counted is very relevant
The manner in which the votes are counted is relevant.
There is no reason to fear pr
There is no reason to advocate fptp unless there is a fear of democracy. The alternative to democracy (which is pr) is worse. Unfair votes (fptp) is for people who are scared of democracy.
Fair votes means equal votes
If all votes should be counted equally then it makes sense to have pr. Unfair voting means that votes do not count equally.
Fptp is not good even for supporters of the incumbent parties
Fptp is not good for anyone, not even those people who support the leading parties. Anyone that supports one of the leading parties would still have that option under pr but they would also have other, perhaps more preferable, options.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
We do not know whether bank credit is money
If bank credit is not money then there will be a crash of the banking sector. If there is no chance of a banking collapse then bank credit is money.
Monday, 18 July 2011
Most people are libertarian
For people that like government fptp is not a problem, these people will be able to choose the best of the two main parties. It is only a problem if you don’t like government.
Fair votes would enable us to get rid of the government.
Fair votes would enable us to get rid of the government.
Advocates of fptp do not support democracy
If democracy is good then pr would be better than fptp because it offers more democracy. If the leading parties share a tyranny then fptp offers no solution for the voter. A democrat will support full pr.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Fptp is not democracy
An electoral system in which only one of the two main parties can win is not democracy.
Only full reserve banking is banking
If a bank (deliberately) does not have full reserves it cannot be called a bank.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
There will be a default of the banking system
The banking system will collapse which means banks do not increase the money supply (permanently) and only base money is relevant. Banks cause (temporary) price inflation because people are deceived into thinking they have money, the market does not yet differentiate. The market has not yet realised that the banks are insolvent.
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Deposit insurance means that frb should be illegal
Banks have no right to lend out deposits because of deposit insurance. Banks would have a right to make loans in a free market.
PR is anarchy
Fair votes is anarchy. Under fair votes there is no state because everyone is appropriately (proportionally) represented. PR is statelessness.
There is no reason for a referendum on pr
There is no reason to have a referendum on reform of the voting system. People should be forced to have pr (in replacement of the existing unfair system, only) whether they like it or not.
Fptp makes the government more powerful
The only reason to complain about proportionality would be (if you are) someone with a vested interest in the main parties. The main parties are terrified of democracy. Proportionality would weaken government.
There is nothing to like about fptp
With fair votes politicians would need to be more concerned about peoples’ problems.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Socialism is selfish
Socialism is not generous. People who are generous will allow others to live their lives as they wish. The state is selfish.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Growth does not always require trade
GDP measures trade and transactions not growth.
GDP is meaningless (not only because it includes government spending but also) because it measures only transactions, not wealth created personally. If something is not sold, but consumed by the creator of it then it will not count.
Growth can happen without trade.
GDP is meaningless (not only because it includes government spending but also) because it measures only transactions, not wealth created personally. If something is not sold, but consumed by the creator of it then it will not count.
Growth can happen without trade.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
The state is a false concept
The state has no right to exist. We have an exclusive right to our own labour.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Bank profits belong to the taxpayer if their liabilities do
No bank should be able to make private profits if its liabilities are public. There is no problem with private profits if the liabilities are (also) private.
A good bank doesn’t need deposit insurance
Solvent banks have no need for deposit insurance. The presence of deposit insurance contradicts the notion that banks are reliable and trustworthy.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Fiat currencies ruin capitalism
Capitalism doesn’t work if people are using a fiat currency because money can be ‘earned’ not only through work but also inflation.
Bank credit is like money in that it causes price inflation
The banking system is the primary cause of inflation in the economy. Nothing else but banking significantly causes inflation to the same degree.
Democracy rests on false assumptions
We have no right to make choices for other people, only ourselves. By necessity, any democratic system relies on the assumption that this right exists, so democracy rests on false assumptions. We have a right to make choices only for ourselves. No one has the right to make choices for others.
Saturday, 2 July 2011
The government has no right to exist
Simply being named the government (by yourself or by others) makes no difference to the morality of crimes. Crimes are still bad even if you are the government.
Friday, 1 July 2011
The left are not enlightened
The left are bigots, they are prejudiced against the freedoms of the individual. Socialism is bigotry. Socialism is the antithesis of freedom.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
The banking system is a monopoly
There aren’t separate banks only one big bank, as a result of the existence of deposit insurance.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Elections do not alter ethics
If some people don't want to join in with communism they 'should' be (allowed to be) left alone. It is a crime to coerce individuals even if the majority want it.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Cash is no more valuable than bank credit
If a bank run is impossible then cash is not better than bank credit, which means it's not a good idea to value cash.
Fair votes produces a more libertarian government
Our votes count for the most if we can directly reject government which we don't like. If the outcome is not proportional we must promote a party which we might not otherwise choose, so the most libertarian government will be chosen with proportional outcomes, if we are not allowed to vote negatively.
Monday, 20 June 2011
Fptp does not make it easy to reject bad candidates
The best type of voting system makes it very easy to reject bad candidates.
Banks are part of the state
The existence of deposit insurance means that banks are not separate from the state.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Money is whatever can be used to pay taxes
Money is something which can be used to pay taxes, such as cash or bank credit. Anything which is refused (by the government) is not money.
Friday, 17 June 2011
We don’t need money
It is possible for a civilisation to survive without a predominant form of money.
People becoming indifferent to cash is not the only cause of inflation
The banking institutions would not be able to cause inflation if not for the government. Without the government the banks would not be able to alter the price of cash.
The explanation for inflation is not that people are slowly becoming indifferent to cash, rather (it is) that the money supply (of cash and state credit) is being increased by the banks.
The explanation for inflation is not that people are slowly becoming indifferent to cash, rather (it is) that the money supply (of cash and state credit) is being increased by the banks.
It’s more important to know about monetary inflation than to be told about prices
To measure price inflation is to measure the result of monetary policy, rather than the cause. It’s more important to know how much the money supply is altering than to know how much prices are altering, which we already have a good idea about.
It’s boring to have a government
There is nothing shocking about the left, they are conventional in their attitudes.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
It’s much easier to get rid of socialists if the voting system is fair
To get rid of socialists we need to be able to choose a liberal (libertarian) candidate from those offered. Unless we can make this choice without our vote being ignored (as it would be with an unfair system) then we are inclined towards voting for the established (socialist) parties, to make our vote count. If voting for libertarians doesn’t count (fptp) then we are left with (voting for) socialists. Unfair voting systems make it difficult (impossible) to get rid of socialists.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Fptp elections are not fair elections
No party has a mandate to govern unless it has been elected by fair elections. Only pr elections are valid. There is no mandate to govern unless a party has been elected fairly.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Moral government is impossible
It’s not possible to have moral government. By definition, government requires at least partial ownership of individuals, which is not moral.
Fptp protects the mainstream parties from libertarian voters
We can assume that if there is a centre-right majority (among the electorate) Fptp does not prevent it from gaining power. So then if the mainstream centre-right party allows freedom (is libertarian) then there is no problem with Fptp voting. However, if the centre-right party is not libertarian then Fptp presents a problem since an authoritarian party will be returned in either case, and we cannot differentiate (at the ballot box) which type of right-wing party we would like. Fair votes would enable voters to choose which type of right-wing party they would prefer.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
If a country has fair votes then it is a democracy
A country is not a democracy if it does not have fair votes.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Socialism is impossible without violence
Socialism is impossible without violence. By definition, socialism requires that people are compelled to act against their wishes.
Democracy is vital to individual safety
Democracy is how we keep out bad legislators. Without democracy there is nothing to protect individual rights.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
It is wrong that people are forced to pay back their debts
The promise made by a debtor should be ignored, or forgiven because the person must have been in desperate circumstances to have taken out the debt to begin with. No one should be forced to pay back their debts, their debts ‘should’ be forgiven.
Democracy is no justification for government
For it to mean anything at all, the concept of Democracy must mean that we are compelled and obligated to ‘obey’ the instructions of an elected body. If the individual has the right to refuse then the ballot is nothing more than an informal opinion poll.
It is not impossible for many people to share the same bad idea.
If it is possible for the crowd to be wrong then the concept of Democracy is false.
It is not impossible for many people to share the same bad idea.
If it is possible for the crowd to be wrong then the concept of Democracy is false.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Fair votes would remove the advantage given to the main parties
With pr there is rarely an instance of a single party gaining an outright majority, they must form a coalition in most cases, but with fptp it is possible (likely) that a single party will have overall control. Power (with fptp) is concentrated among the two main parties. Fair votes would level the playing field by removing this advantage, so pr removes this unfair advantage.
There would be no advantage for the main parties under pr.
There would be no advantage for the main parties under pr.
The political left do not like freedom
The political left is afraid of freedom, they are not comfortable with the concept of people being free to do as they please. The left do not like freedom. Anyone that does not like freedom is a leftist.
The value of a note is not altered by how often it has been spent
The Velocity Theory of Inflation can be said to be (is) a flawed theory (similar to the Marxian labour theory of value) which gives a misplaced explanation for the phenomenon of inflation. The theory, or assumption, is that the more (often) money is spent within the economy, the less its value will be and this will result in inflation. It is as though, the more people to have been in possession of the money on its course through the economy, the less its value will be. This is clearly absurd, we might ask ourselves how the price of a note would compare to that of a similar note which has been used multiple times. Of course the price of each note is the same, according to its face value, we take no account of its wear-and-tear the value is determined only by its denomination.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Fptp gives you more socialism than people voted for
With pr the outcome is socialism only if most people want it to be so, with fptp it is socialism whether people want it or not. With pr there is a chance of small government, not with fptp.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Only someone who is owned must pay taxes
Authoritarianism is the same as (implies and requires) ownership...
If someone has the right to instruct another person to do as they say, then the subject of this instruction is owned (axiomatically) by the issuer of it. If we are not owned then we are free to refuse all instructions and offers. Only someone who is owned must be loyal, and must always obey another person.
If someone has the right to instruct another person to do as they say, then the subject of this instruction is owned (axiomatically) by the issuer of it. If we are not owned then we are free to refuse all instructions and offers. Only someone who is owned must be loyal, and must always obey another person.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
People like money because it seems tangible and real... there is a fetish for cash
For (paper) money to retain its integrity requires that banks are prevented from lending. The value of having fiat money depends on other people not having it, if everyone can get a loan and a house all that happens is that prices inflate, no extra wealth is created.
Only the government should be able to cause inflation
If a bank has deposit insurance then it is a crime for it to lend out deposits. Doing so will cause inflation which is a form of theft.
Only banks without deposit insurance should be able to lend out deposits.
Only banks without deposit insurance should be able to lend out deposits.
Land is expensive because of the banking system
Inflationary banking enables people to get a mortgage (to purchase land) when otherwise they would not be able to do so, provided they are willing to ‘owe’ money to the banks. This devalues all other forms of money because it becomes subsequently more difficult for those who do not take out a mortgage to purchase land, they must pay a higher price. So then, land is expensive mostly because of the banking system.
Fractional reserve banking is not the best system of banking
There is no good reason to have fractional reserve banking. There is nothing provided by inflationary banks which could not, more efficiently, be provided by other means.
There is no good reason to use Fptp to determine the outcome of elections
Fptp winner-takes-all is an unfair electoral system because it makes no allowance to ensure proportional outcomes.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
The banks are the same as the state if they have a deposit guarantee
There is no difference between the banks and the state.
The government does not understand how banking works
If the government understood how banking works it would not allow it.
Banking (in its present manifestation) causes inflation which harms the poor disproportionately. The fact that Frb (relending deposits) is not illegal is evidence that the government does not understand its consequences.
Banking (in its present manifestation) causes inflation which harms the poor disproportionately. The fact that Frb (relending deposits) is not illegal is evidence that the government does not understand its consequences.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Frb is an ambiguous term to use to describe the banking system
A better description for Frb would be partial reserve banking. To use the word Fractional is somewhat ambiguous because it allows for (does not exclude) the possibility that the fraction might be greater than unity.
Partial reserve banking (clearly) means strictly less than unity, which is why it is a more accurate description.
Partial reserve banking (clearly) means strictly less than unity, which is why it is a more accurate description.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Elections give the government no legitimacy
Having an election does not alter the legitimacy of the government. The moral position of a thief is not altered even if there is an element of choice in the crime. We (the victim) might prefer to suffer less but the crime remains.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Cash is not money unless it is a liability of the state
Bank credit is money, not cash.
Bank credit is money because it is a liability of the state. Cash is only money if it is a liability of the state, which sometimes it is.
Bank credit is money because it is a liability of the state. Cash is only money if it is a liability of the state, which sometimes it is.
The individual has rights equivalent to those of the group
The law emerges spontaneously when we seek safety from others.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Something is money if it alters the price of other money
Money is either bank credit or cash (which is held) outside the banking system. If credit of any kind causes (price) inflation then it is money. If credit causes the price inflation of other established money then, it too is money. Something is not money if it (its quantity) does not alter the price of other money.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Frb damages the integrity of the currency and should be illegal
There is no valid reason for frac. res. banking to be legal and tolerated. If the customer is aware, in a free market, this is not to be rightly known as banking in the conventional sense, and should be renamed.
In the case of Frb under deposit insurance, whether or not the customer is aware, the money supply is being inflated which removes value from those holding the currency. Even in the free market Frb can be tolerated only if the customer is aware of the theft, in which case this is not banking and must be described as something else. Frb is either fraud (allied with theft) in the free market or it is inflation (when banking is) in the public sector.
In the case of Frb under deposit insurance, whether or not the customer is aware, the money supply is being inflated which removes value from those holding the currency. Even in the free market Frb can be tolerated only if the customer is aware of the theft, in which case this is not banking and must be described as something else. Frb is either fraud (allied with theft) in the free market or it is inflation (when banking is) in the public sector.
Only an institution which keeps full reserves can be said to be a bank
If a bank does not keep sufficient reserves, it is not a bank. Only a ‘bank’ which keeps full reserves can be said to be a bank. There is no form of banking which is not full reserve banking. It is a trick for an institution to pretend to be a bank if it does not keep full reserves. Most ‘banking institutions’ pretend to be a bank, which they are not since a bank keeps full reserves.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
It is not illegal for banks with deposit insurance to lend out deposits
It is not a safe assumption that the government would make sure to prevent banks from causing inflation. In fact, the government allows banks to increase the money supply. The government has not outlawed fractional lending.
There is no reason to assume the banks are not able to inflate the money supply. The money supply is not stable.
There is no reason to assume the banks are not able to inflate the money supply. The money supply is not stable.
The ability of banks to inflate the money supply is a form of fascism
The reason banks are able to make risky loans is that their credit is guaranteed. The banks would be more prudent, and would hold full reserves if there is a market requirement for them to do so, as there would be in the absence of a deposit guarantee.
The government cannot be said to be different from the banks if banks cannot fail.
It is fascism when the government provides services because it is not the responsibility of the government to do this. The government is the authority which has a legal monopoly on justice, they are to be feared by criminals and perhaps those who do not pay their taxes, but nothing more than that. It is fascism when the government provides services because the money has been stolen, to pay for the services. The victim cannot refuse. The opinion of the victim is irrelevant. Fascism is when there is no ability to refuse the government, and we (the victim) are not a criminal, in the ordinary sense. There might be some justification for taxation so that resources might be redistributed to the poor, but this is best achieved by the denial of property rights.
Taxation is not justified to provide government services. All government services are fascism, including the provision of deposit insurance.
The government cannot be said to be different from the banks if banks cannot fail.
It is fascism when the government provides services because it is not the responsibility of the government to do this. The government is the authority which has a legal monopoly on justice, they are to be feared by criminals and perhaps those who do not pay their taxes, but nothing more than that. It is fascism when the government provides services because the money has been stolen, to pay for the services. The victim cannot refuse. The opinion of the victim is irrelevant. Fascism is when there is no ability to refuse the government, and we (the victim) are not a criminal, in the ordinary sense. There might be some justification for taxation so that resources might be redistributed to the poor, but this is best achieved by the denial of property rights.
Taxation is not justified to provide government services. All government services are fascism, including the provision of deposit insurance.
The banks should not be trusted
If debt is invalid we should not be so confident about placing our money in the banks.
We have no right to ‘force’ the banks to return our possessions. We can, perhaps with justification, complain if the bank is obstructing our efforts to reclaim our goods (which are present) but if the bank no longer has the goods, there is not much we can do about it. The banks should not be trusted, as no one to whom money has been loaned should be trusted.
We have no right to ‘force’ the banks to return our possessions. We can, perhaps with justification, complain if the bank is obstructing our efforts to reclaim our goods (which are present) but if the bank no longer has the goods, there is not much we can do about it. The banks should not be trusted, as no one to whom money has been loaned should be trusted.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Political elections are a violation of our natural rights
An election doesn’t justify the destruction of private property. Individuals have a right to be free from elections.
If, by its nature, (by definition) an election means that the outcome takes precedent over (is superior to) natural rights, then we have a right to be free from elections. It means nothing to have an election which does not have elevated legal status above an informal poll of opinion. If it means anything to have an election (more than to have a meaningless poll) then elections are a violation of our natural rights.
If, by its nature, (by definition) an election means that the outcome takes precedent over (is superior to) natural rights, then we have a right to be free from elections. It means nothing to have an election which does not have elevated legal status above an informal poll of opinion. If it means anything to have an election (more than to have a meaningless poll) then elections are a violation of our natural rights.
Banks cause price inflation unless they hold full reserves
There would be no problem with the banking system if either banks are prevented from lending deposits, or there is no deposit insurance and banks can fail. There would be no problem with banking if there is no state involvement or the state prevents inflationary lending.
It is less bad to tax the rich than to tax the active
It is not such a good idea to tax (work and) labour as it would be to tax wealth, alone.
Labour and work is something people do not really want to do, they would prefer to be doing something else otherwise it would be called recreation. They are working because someone else wants them to do the work and is paying them, so it makes little sense for the government to provide yet more disincentive against the behaviour. We should forgive those who seek to improve their circumstances. If revenue must be taken it should be taken from the place where its absence will cause the least harm, that is it should be taken from the rich.
Labour and work is something people do not really want to do, they would prefer to be doing something else otherwise it would be called recreation. They are working because someone else wants them to do the work and is paying them, so it makes little sense for the government to provide yet more disincentive against the behaviour. We should forgive those who seek to improve their circumstances. If revenue must be taken it should be taken from the place where its absence will cause the least harm, that is it should be taken from the rich.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Fptp doesn’t work at providing good government
Fptp tends to result in socialist outcomes and for that reason it doesn’t work at providing a moral and fair system of government.
There is no such thing as money
There is no reason to be concerned about inflation of a fiat currency. It is not aggressive to print money, and it hurts no one.
Fiat money is not real money.
Fiat money is not real money.
Friday, 20 May 2011
It’s best not to expect that debts will ever be paid back
Only debt which cannot be paid back will cause inflation.
If it could be paid back it would not have been loaned. No debt can (or will) ever be paid back.
If it could be paid back it would not have been loaned. No debt can (or will) ever be paid back.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Fptp gives an unfair advantage to the main parties
Under Fptp the votes cast for populist parties count extra.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Banks do not have a right to be bailed out
We have a natural right for other people not to be printing money, if there is a sanctioned, fiat, currency.
We have a natural right that no firms are protected from insolvency, if there is a government.
We have a natural right that no firms are protected from insolvency, if there is a government.
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